Training Around Injuries

Training Around Injuries

Injuries happen… despite our best efforts, good technique and sound programming sometimes Murphy’s Law just kicks you in the teeth. But that doesn’t mean that training has to stop – working around setbacks is part of life, and it’s no different under the bar.

Shoulders banged up? Looks like squats and deadlifts are getting some love. If it’s minor, perhaps narrowing your bench grip or using a neutral grip bar / dumbbells will allow you to continue pressing.

Knees banged up? Time to dominate the bench! If it’s minor, you can try box squats or using knee wraps to help keep yourself in the game.

Back pain? Ease off of the deadlifts, try out sumo stance if you have the hip flexibility, utilise squat variations that are more upright such as safety bar squats or front squats.

You get the idea. Now – this isn’t to say that some injuries require time away from the bar, or a specific movement. If you are truly concerned or in significant pain, then it is always best to see a professional.

Keep in mind that apart from a lucky few, no one is making a living out of lifting weights. Don’t let your ego lead you into a serious injury. However, if you always wait for things to feel 100% and conditions to be perfect… you’ll be sitting on the sidelines for the whole game.

Training Around Injuries

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