Training after quarantine

Training after quarantine

Training has been on hold for many in 2020. Most of the world has been turned upside down these past few months due to COVID-19. Gyms have been closed, so unless you were lucky enough to have access to equipment at home many only had the option of doing body-weight training. Or scrambling to buy equipment (often at inflated prices). This prolonged period of ‘detraining’ brings with it some things to consider when getting back into the gym now that restrictions are starting to be dialled back.

Training tip #1 – Ease into things!

Almost everyone is keen to get back into training, but keep in mind how you’ve spent the past ~3 months. Did you keep active? Were you able to train at home, or take up a bodyweight program? Did you do something completely different, such as running?

You may be returning to the gym significantly less ‘training ready’. If so, it would be wise to ramp into things gradually to help prevent injuries and niggles from rearing up.

Training tip #2 – Have realistic expectations

If you’ve been unable to train during the shutdown, don’t expect to come back into the gym and sling around the same weights as when you left. If you can, that should tell you something about how hard you were really training before things closed.

Your strength will come back quickly, but not instantly – take your time. You may have a few check engine lights on the dashboard, to. Have you been spending most of lockdown sitting? How’s your posture/ergonomic setup if you’ve been working from home?

If you’ve done nothing but sit at a desk / on the couch while in lockdown, you may find some value in doing a little more warming up, core or mobility work.

Photo of man strength training - bench press

Training tip #3 – Have a plan and set good habits

Many people (dare I say most) have been dealing with significant changes to routine. You may have a different work schedule or location, you might be dealing with kids who don’t have their normal after school activities, or any number of other things.

All of that on top of not being able to maintain your set routine of training on x day at y time.

So, make a plan. Based on your current schedule, where does training fit in? If you’re currently working from home, maybe training during lunch while the kids are at school works best.

A realistic plan will set you up for success by setting a schedule that works with your lifestyle and obligations, thus minimizing the guilt of ‘missing’ a session that you were probably not going to be able to do anyway.

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