Pick your battles!

Pick your battles!

Pick your battles!

It is important to have solid goals and focus your training around these. Otherwise, training becomes a vague and unproductive endeavor. Everyone has heard this a million times before – but to know and not do is to not know.

If you’ve got one boss telling you do ‘x’, that’s a lot more manageable than having three bosses telling you to do ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ at the same time, right?

So if you want to lose weight, FOCUS on that goal – it’s ok to lose some strength in the process (although keep an eye on it – you should be aiming to lose fat, not muscle after all). You will regain the strength quickly afterwards.

If you want to get strong, FOCUS on that goal – realise that too much conditioning or aerobic work will negatively effect your recovery. Don’t sign up for a marathon if your goal is increase your squat! You can increase your fitness in the off season.

If you enjoy many different types of training (strength training, endurance training, gymnastics, the list goes on) that’s fine – training is meant to be fun! – but understand that it will hamper your progress to some degree. ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ is not a derogatory term! But make sure it fits with your goals.

Pick your Battles

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