Balancing pushing and pulling movements in training

Balancing pushing and pulling movements in training

As a physio, I see a lot of shoulder injuries in lifters. Many of these stem from poor technique, particularly on the bench press and overhead press. However, there are also a large number of lifters who present with very little overall back work – leaving their anterior muscles (the pecs and front delt) way too strong relative to the equally (if not more) important posterior musculature – the rear delts, rhomboids, traps etc.

Ideally, within the training plan I like to see a ratio of 2:1 pulling vs pushing (eg rows vs bench volume). At a minimum, we try to keep things at 1:1. This maintains a healthy shoulder, and allows for a much more stable pressing position – a strong, well set up back is crucial to allowing the pressing of large weights.

It is relatively easy to achieve the total work – it can be as simple as adding band pullaparts in between sets of bench, and continuing to do prescribed rows as normal.

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